Friday, June 13, 2008

Final Essay

Essay one:

During the French indian war when George Wasington was 21 years old, he was in command of a small regiment of soldies. While returning to his post, his soldiers opend fire on a small french group, then the indians travleing with them killed a french diplomat. This lead to the french attacking Washington, which washington sufferers a major defeat. Before the American Revolution, Washington was on the continental congress, Where he was selected to lead the Continental armies as commander in cheif. In the time between he becomes a much better leader. During the early revolution, he suffers defeat in every battle he enters, retreating. This shows he has become a better leader because it is better for them to retreat and fight another day, rather than be captured and possibly killed. General washingtion and his army are put through tough times during their winter at valley forge, but he soon gets a releif at the battle of trenton. American troops defeat the hessins, and gain their first victory of the revolution. Because of this battle and washingtons leadership, the army stays past their release date, and many more join.

Essay two:

What if the american troops had lost the batte at trenton? The battle of trenton was the turning point of the american revolution, because it was a very important victory for two reasons. The first reason that this battle was important is because this was America's first major victory, which it helped in persuadeing the army to stay past their release date and keep on fighting for freedom. If they hadent won a battle by the time soldiers could leave, then the army would have been gone, and with it our fight for indipendance. The second reason that this battle was important is because it was a great moral victory for the colonies. This increased the army size greatly because they used this as propoganda, which made people believe that their cause was worth fighting for, and that it could be obtainable. In conclusion the battle of trenton was very important to the fight for independace. If this battle had been lost or did'nt take place, then i believe that america would still be a part of great britan (and have crazy british accents). This battle lead to the establishment of the decleration of indipendance, and now 125 years later, america has grown to be a superpower of the world.

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