Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Valley Forge Letter

January 17, 1777


It’s going on two years since I have seen you. How’s life at home? It’s been a hard winter here at Valley Forge, nothing like back home in Massachusetts. We have nice shelters that we share with other guys, the people in ours make the evenings interesting. Today it stopped snowing after the 13 days straight, I’m glad that the winter is almost over and we will be able to see each other again. There was a guy that died today from disease, it was terrible to witness. The hospital at yellow springs was finished two weeks ago, ten miles from our camp. We have been given the vaccine for smallpox, so we do not have to worry of it. The food here is good, they call it a fire cake, but I still miss your cookin.

General Washington is doing his best to keep the men confident, but we have been running from lost battles for some time, not achieving a major military victory. While I believe that the general is a good man, he has his times where he as a poor leader. When the men went to the hospital, he showed great leadership by going there and talking to each and every patient, many of the men admired this about him. It will soon be spring, and I'm sure he will lead us to victory.

The time for reenlistment into the army is but a few months away, and I plan on staying. I can’t leave because this is our war, and I desire to live in a free and safe country for you and our son. I know that I should be home with you two, but I can’t run from this when our country needs me. I promise that I will be home soon, to be with you and Billy. I love you, see you soon.

William Turner

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