Thursday, September 27, 2007

Exam #1

This is about the part of the french revolution were the king, king Louis XIII was executed by the guillotine, which shows that the citizens were happy to execute the king. The second thing this picture shows is that the citizens were not objective about killing their king because nobody is standing up for the king. the third is that the war is already over because they have captured the king and are execute them.

This picture shows the storming of the Bastille and that hundreds and thousands of french fought other french during this battle. second this picture shows that there were causalities at first contact because there are two body's laying on the ground. the last thing this picture shows is that the weapons used in this war were mostly muskets with bayonets and cannons.

This is an image of a battle during the french revolution, it shows that almost all of the people on this battlefield were killed, and that not many remain. This also shows that the revolutionists are winning this battle because they are killing the stray soldier on the royalist side. lastly this picture shows that they are all still fighting on till the last man is dead.

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