Friday, November 16, 2007


1.What does Joseph Stalin's advice to the people of Stalingrad say about him as a leader?

He is a selfish leader that dose not care about the people,only himself and winning.

2.Explain why Hitler would react in the way shown after signing a Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin?

Because he wanted to take over the city and win the battle.

3.Explain the significance of propaganda in this battle, using examples from the posters.
They showed the russians killing hitler showed that they were supposed to be mighty in battle.

4.What do the extremes of the war reveal about what it takes to win a total war?
To win a total war u need to be well equipted, large numbers, snipers, and be able to do anything to win, And da tanks.

5.How does the story of Vasily Zaitsev relate to the war in Iraq?
the war in iraq is related because the germany will anything to win and they are supperior, and the same applys to the iraq milita.

6.In times of crisis, sometimes heroic figures emerge. Which figure emerged in a similar way to Vasily after the terrorist attacks of 9/11?

12. Does the Soviet reaction to victory seem reasonable to you? (Be specific)

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